Saturday, June 13, 2009

Emotion or Logic?

I have come to realize that I am generally an emotional person. While I have a very rational and logical side, my emotional self often takes over and in most situations, controls my behavior. Sadly, in the last few years, I have learned (the hard way) that in the absence of proper management, emotions can be very dangerous. While the emotional component of humans makes up a large part of what we are, as a species, it is critical that we understand when, how, and which emotions to show. It is perfectly normal to feel pain, to be hurt, to love, to feel anger and disappointment, joy and pleasure. However, it is equally (if not more) important to learn how to manage these emotions. From a purely personal perspective, I can attest that every time I have made "emotional" decisions, I have come to regret it. In contrast, all my rational decisions have been well thought out, reasonable, and have generally been to my advantage. Thus, I am left to wonder: why do we even have emotions? Why can't we be purely logical, rational beings? What is the benefit of having emotions?

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