Tuesday, January 13, 2009

It's rough out there...

Perhaps one of the best parts of my day is (or used to be) the early morning, when I would sit in front of my computer, coffee in one hand, and the mouse in the other, reading the news. But recently, I have grown to develop an aversion towards all news sites. I am becoming more and more saddened by the current events. The recession in the US (and the rest of the world), the war in the Middle East, the daily political scandals...they all just make me depressed. I keep wondering why there is so much suffering around the world? From natural disasters to man-made offenses, I find myself questioning the fate of our planet and all its creatures. What is going to happen to us? But more importantly, are all of our problems proportionate? If the administrative assistant in the US is worried about getting laid off from work tomorrow while the mother of 4 in the Middle East is worried about protecting her children, are those instances equally weighed? If not, then what and whom determines which is more or less important? And if they are not proportionate, wouldn't that suggest injustice in the universe? And what if you believe in an ordered organization in the world? What if you believe in some kind of justice? Can you reconcile the differences across our universe?

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